MOVE Texas is dedicated to building the power of young people in underrepresented communities through civic engagement, leadership development, and issue advocacy. What began as a small, but mighty, student chapter organization in 2013 has turned into one of the state’s most successful voting rights and voter registration organizations focused on young people under the age of 30.
MOVE Texas Civic Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of the Alliance for Youth Organizing, is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization building power in underrepresented communities through civic engagement, issue education, and leadership development.
Contrary to the popular narrative, young people are not disengaged, they are underinvested in. They are among the lowest priority for decision-makers and institutions in Texas despite record turnout in recent years. Actualizing the power of this growing population of young Texans will require deep engagement and investment.
We aim to revolutionize voter engagement and access by building a base of young people who are empowered and informed. By equipping young people with the skills and capacity to take action on the issues that impact them, we are on track to achieving lasting social, cultural, and political change in Texas.
Expand the number of campus polling locations, defend against efforts to remove access for students, and launch Party Bus to the Polls during early voting and Election Day.
Conduct a voter registration campaign targeting young people of color ages 18-30 to register 13,000 new voters.
Graduate 5 fellows from our National Artists of Texas Fellowship program, to harness the unique power of artists to connect with people beyond conventional forms of communication.
Educate our base about organizing at the state and local level around transformative gender and reproductive policy reform.
Advance high-impact policy reforms in exurban counties, including expanding the use of the Countywide Polling Program (CWPP) and enhancing language accessibility.
Expand to 25 Campus Chapters across Texas, with a focus on community colleges and exurban campuses.
Launch 3 local climate and energy campaigns in Harris, Travis, and Bexar Counties, prioritizing reforms that stop rate hikes, increase public pressure to close coal plants, and create community advisory committees.
Our work in communities across Texas over the last 10 years has proven that young people are poised to lead. In 2024, MOVE Texas will engage the largest, most diverse youth population the state has ever seen in critical statewide and local elections; advance youth-led advocacy campaigns for democracy and climate justice; and develop the next generation of Texas leadership.
Civic Engagement
We bring young people into the movement with a simple ask: “are you registered to vote?” Voter registration serves as a tool to open up a conversation that brings a young person from a prospective voter to a peer-to-peer organizer.
In 2024, MOVE Texas is injecting an electrifying energy into our state's political landscape, making civic engagement fun and accessible for young people through creative initiatives including voter registration drives and Parties at the Polls to encourage turnout, and Cultural Organizing Events featuring local artists.
Since our founding, we have registered over 150,000 young voters across the state.
Leadership Development
Through Leadership Development programs, we train our base to take action and build power among their peers.
We aspire to shape first-time voters into lifelong organizers, igniting a legacy of sustained civic engagement. Our evergreen programs ensure that young people are building and wielding their power, every year and year round.
Since our founding, we have graduated alumni through our programs who have served as elected officials at the local and state levels.
Once our base becomes equipped with the skills and resources to lead, they mobilize their peers to advocate around the issues that impact their communities.
We aim to create a clear connection between winning at the ballot box and enacting powerful progressive policies. MOVE Texas has established itself as a leader in bringing youth voices and power to crucial fights for democracy, climate, and more.
Our advocacy played a key role in San Antonio becoming one of the first cities in the South to pass a mandatory paid sick time policy.